We will now return to our own part of the world, speaking,
first of all, of certain remedies common to animals in general,
but excellent in their nature; such as the use of milk, for
example. The most beneficial milk to every creature is the
mother's[1] milk. It is highly dangerous for nursing women to
Every kind of milk is more aqueous in spring than in summer, and the same in all cases where the animal has grazed upon a new pasture. The best milk of all is that which adheres to the finger nail, when placed there, and does not run from off it. Milk is most harmless when boiled, more particularly if sea pebbles[5] have been boiled with it. Cows' milk is the most relaxing, and all kinds of milk are less apt to inflate when boiled. Milk is used for all kinds of internal ulcerations, those of the kidneys, bladder, intestines, throat, and lungs in particular; and externally, it is employed for itching sensations upon the skin, and for purulent eruptions, it being taken fasting for the purpose. We have already[6] stated, when speaking of the plants, how that in Arcadia cows' milk is administered for phthisis, consumption, and cachexy. Instances are cited, also, of persons who have been cured of gout in the hands and feet, by drinking asses' milk.
To these various kinds of' milk, medical men have added
another, to which they have given the name of "schiston;"[7]
Milk is employed as an injection where excoriations have
been caused by the use of strong purgatives; in cases also
where dysentery is productive of chafing, it is similarly employed, boiled with sea pebbles or a ptisan of barley. Where,
however, the intestines are excoriated, cows' milk or ewes'
milk is the best. New milk is used as an injection for dysentery; and in an unboiled state, it is employed for affections of
the colon and uterus, and for injuries inflicted by serpents. It
is also taken internally as an antidote to the venom of cantharides, the pine-caterpillar, the buprestis, and the salamander.
Cows' milk is particularly recommended for persons who have
taken colchicum, hemlock, dorycnium,[8] or the flesh of the seahare; and asses' milk, in cases where gypsum, white-lead,
sulphur,[9] or quick-silver, have been taken internally. This
last is good too for constipation attendant upon fever, and is
remarkably useful as a gargle for ulcerations of the throat. It
is taken, also, internally, by patients suffering from atrophy, for
the purpose of recruiting their exhausted strength; as also in
cases of fever unattended with head-ache. The ancients held
it as one of their grand secrets, to administer to children, before
taking food, a semisextarius of asses' milk, or for want of that,
goats' milk; a similar dose, too, was given to children troubled
Goats' milk is a cure for diseases of the spleen; but in such case the goats must fast a couple of days, and be fed on ivyleaves the third; the patient, too, must drink the milk for three consecutive days, without taking any other nutriment. Milk, under other circumstances, is detrimental to persons suffering from head-ache, liver complaints, diseases of the spleen, and affections of the sinews; it is bad for fevers, also, vertigo—except, indeed, where it is required as a purgative—-oppression of the head, coughs, and ophthalmia. Sows' milk is extremely use- ful in cases of tenesmus, dysentery, and phthisis; authors have been found too, to assert that it is very wholesome for females.